Sunday, March 4, 2012

A day at SK Teruntum


It's been a long time since I last updated my blog. What I want to share with you guys today is about my new TED 072 assignment or also known as Basic principles. My group and I went to SK Teruntum and made some research @ observations there. Here are some pictures.. enjoy :)

me and dayah... interviewing the Assistant Headmaster

Syauqi with the counsellor

me,dayah and lisa are handling the 2 Dynamic class

The vibrant pupils of 2 Dynamics

An interview session with the headmaster

lisa,syauqi,me,dayah n omar in front of SK Teruntum

Some of the trophies in the office 

lisa n dayah.. in the teacher room

ehem...hehehe..that's me

lisa,dayah,omar,syauqi n the headmaster

There's me..talking with the pupils

dayah n the pupils...

syauqi with the map of Malaysia

I'm both Kelantan and Terengganu

Dayah.. :)
Then... we walked back to campus and stopped at a Mamak Restaurant in front of MegaMall..Here's a few crazy pictures of us...
syauqi said "OMAIGADD !!! So hott !!!"

Mr O :)

so sweettt ~

Fight ! Fight 1 Fight !

Where's my food ???!!

Mr O is soo tired !!

I wonder where's my food... 

Sleeping together...on the table...

Lisa n Dayah... :) !!!

Well..that's all..only got picture to show this time... :)

With lots of LOVE,